• TRAINING / Continuous preparation of experts in Geobiology


We train specialists and future professionals in geobiology and biohabitability.
The Association of Geobiological Studies GEA, has a trajectory of 20 years making a continuous work of research, dissemination and training in the multiple areas covered by Geobiology and Biohabitability, in the global context of Health and Habitat.

From successive encounters of geoprospectors, the Association confirmed the need to unify working criteria and methodologies, as well as to start ongoing training activities.

The GEA Geobiology and Biohabitability training courses are characterized by a rigorous teaching structure, with a broad multidisciplinary content and are based, both in methodological and content aspects, on the one taught at the Hartmann Institute -Forschungskreis für Geobiologie Dr. Hartmann , ceded to GEA through a collaboration agreement. This material has been translated, adapted and complemented with the contributions of Spanish experts.
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Telephone - Fax +34 964 474 650 - PO Box 133, 12580 BENICARLÓ
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