• Contamination / Not only is he away from home

Indoor Pollution

Contaminación química
The materials and their chemical elements, cleaning products, environmental pollution and noise or light pollution are factors that can deteriorate the environment of our home and affect our health.
The Indoor Air (AI) of a dwelling must not contain contaminants in concentrations that may harm the health or cause discomfort to its occupants.

The chemical composition of the AI can comprise many substances in low concentrations, but the chemical analysis does not allow to predict the perception that the inhabitants have of the air they breathe, since the mixture of many pollutants still in low concentrations and nuanced by the humidity conditions and temperature can worsen the perception of its quality.

Sources of indoor air pollution
  • Deficiencies in ventilation
Ventilation provides air and should be sufficient to dilute contaminants to levels below human perception and those considered harmful to health.
  • External contamination
From the outside there is the entry of pollutants such as: CO, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from the combustion of motor vehicles, and sulfur oxides (SO2) and VOCs generated in power plants and other industrial processes.
  • Indoor pollution
The activities carried out, construction materials, furniture and the use of chemical products influence the quality of the AI.
Products of combustion .
They are the result of poor ventilation design or poor maintenance in heating appliances, stoves, stoves, refrigerators and gas ovens can release different pollutants: CO, NO, NO2, SO2 and particles (PM).

Building materials and furniture .
The glass fibers of thermal insulators easily degrade and release particles that disperse through the air passages and reach the lung tissue by inhalation. Room furniture and products used in cleaning and in artistic and craft activities are sources of VOC emissions that include formaldehyde, benzene or toluene. Office and office supplies are a source of VOC. The increase in the number of computers in an office worsens the subjective feeling of air quality and VOC concentrations.

Human activities
Cleaning and personal care products contain irritating respirable particles, although almost always in low concentration. Also insecticides and pesticides contain organophosphates or hydrocarbons that raise the concentration of VOC.
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