Geobiology rides between science and art, studying how the Earth affects the quality of life of the beings that make it up and how to harmonize that relationship.
It appears in Europe, France and Germany, during the first third of the twentieth century in the hands of Dr. Peyre and Dr. Hartmann respectively.
In their clinical practice they detected that there was a series of recurrent diseases in certain dwellings, regardless of who lived them, of the diet or lifestyle they maintained.
Studies to determine the origin of these pathologies led to the discovery of a series of power lines or energy networks, which affected the health of people who spent a long time under their influence. Given these networks can be detected virtually everywhere they were called "Global Networks".
They found that once these alterations were corrected, the health of the people affected improved in a short time, thus giving rise to the origin of modern Geobiology.
Currently, it uses modern devices to weight the different variables that come together in one place, such as electricity, magnetic fields, microwaves, loudness, luminescence, chemical factors, radioactivity, etc.
But it also relies on personal sensitivity to interpret a place, to feel the "genius locci" or spirit of the place and to glimpse what may be the root of the imbalance or the path of healing.
A priori, there are no good or bad energies, everything depends on the use we give to that place and our own attitude. Formerly nobody thought of sleeping in a water crossing, unless it had a specific objective.
We are the guardians of the Earth, we have the responsibility to take care of the health of the place where we live, of the space that we occupy, because that is what will determine if that place will generate life or disharmony, to achieve it is in our hands.
When this feeling of the earth is done in us intuition and wisdom, it becomes calm, a prelude to the love of every creature.
The Geobilogía with its techniques, allows us to capture that attitude of love and respect towards our environment and all the beings that surround us, it is a way for the personal evolution and the quality of life.

Geobiology Science and Sensibility
June 25, 2018
- Articles and dissemination
- Radiestesia
Author: Juan Sáez
Geobiology rides between science and art, studying how the Earth affects the quality of life of the beings that make it up and how to harmonize that relationship.